Vysočan ensemble together with the Town of Hlinsko and the Folklore Association of the Czech Republic have annually held Adámek's Folklore Celebration (AFS) since 1996. AFS is a two day's meeting of folklore groups (about 5 Czech and 1 or 2 foreing groups). The celebration is held at the last weekend in August in the oldest part of Hlinsko called "Betlém". Every ensemble presents there dances, songs and costumes mostly originate from its region or county.


Why Adámek's celebration? Karel Václav Adámek (1868 - 1944) was one of the most distinguish representatives of the Hlinsko region. He was engaged in homeland study. Many customs, songs and dances are preserved in his collections.

The celebration is devided into two days - Saturday and Sunday. Children's folklore groups present their performances in Saturday's programme - in the afternoon - and adult in Sanday .


Costumed procession through the town of Hlinsko and performances by folklore groups from the Czech Republic and abroad under the title Youth Sings and Dances are held on Sunday. There are some of the participants to celebrations in last years:  the Czech Republic: Hořeňák - Lázně Bělohrad, Lipta - Liptál, Beskyd - Zubří, Podjavořičan - Telč, Nisanka - Jablonec nad Nisou, Slovakia: Váh - Půchov, Holland: Hoogwoudar Dancers, Spain: Magisterio and El Ventolin, Greece - the Ensemble from Thessaloniki, Hungary: Kenderke, Poland: Krakus and Magurzanie, Italy: Musikkapelle and Banda Musicalle Civitela and of course Vysočánek and Vysočan are participants every year.


Audience have opportunity of watching various groups and comparing culture and history of their regions and countries.  After a modest beginning festival in Hlinsko has a very good standard at present. Audience take interest in watching it as well as folklore groups like to take part in it. Also reviews of professionals are good. 

Adámek's Folklore Celebration is a cultural event that endeavours after preserving and performing old folklore traditions and customs because: 


„The nation that does not honour its cultural and historical traditions has not time to come.“




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